“SEES” на українській мові


інші переклади

see view discern eye
see view
see survey view overlook notice case
see sight catch descry
watch observe see oversee look on study
уявляти собі
imagine envision figure realize envisage prefigure



discern spot notice catch sight of glimpse catch/get a glimpse of make out pick out spy distinguish detect perceive note lay/set eyes on behold descry espy


He never sees the worst of the world.

As I read I try to understand what Max sees in this story:One thing I think we should all talk about more is what happens when you fall in love against your will.

Dylan sees Chase’s eyes widen when he reads the title.

His mistress, the enchantress Chay-Liang, Baros Tsen’s ally and the only one who sees me as I am and fears me as she should.

Once-loyal Bellepheros, grand master alchemist, taken as a slave a year before me, fretting and pacing and doing nothing to change the cataclysm he sees coming.

Achieving her sister’s goals and dreams was good in theory, but Joy’s older and wiser self sees the true way to atone for her mistakes and let go of the past is twofold: admit what she’d done wrong, then forgive herself.

“I see I have to deal with a very clever business man who knows good animals when he sees them.

“Blythe’s going to kill me when she sees this,” jested Rew, trying to take the young ranger’s mind away from his injuries.

If he sees this world on the cusp of disaster and knows he could strike, and strike hard, and make himself its master.

But when he sees someone else going through it, that nearly hurts as bad, for him.

And it’s not your concern if one of the other princes sees an opportunity to recruit a powerful necromancer of their own.