“SHOWN” на українській мові


інші переклади

put up show set forth send in obtrude imbed
show display indicate demonstrate present point
indicate point show point out designate denote
detect show reveal discover find uncover
explain account account for attribute clear illustrate
prove show demonstrate evict
show display develop
portray represent show image limn picture
show manifest demonstrate develop
pretend show exhibit manifest



be visible be seen be in view be obvious


” Rhys held out a hand to Helion, indicating how he’d prefer to be shown the spell.

’ He might, she thought, have shown some sort of concern for her, what with having faced down a dragon all on her own.

Why hasn’t he shown?

The full moon had shown her face, so bright the mountains, the rivers, the valley were illuminated enough that even the leaves on the trees far below were visible.

Holding me, Ron told himself, saying thank you with a quiet intensity nobody else has ever shown me.

In the Adamantine soldier’s memories one had taken Tuuran to a city and shown him words from long ago and sent him to watch the echo of the Black Moon.

Except if there was one thing the Taiytakei had shown her, it was that she’d never really had one.

Or maybe he had, but only in stories that the soldiers of the guard used to tell each other around their fires late at night, tales of the Isul Aieha, the Silver King, the half-god who’d come with his Adamantine Spear when the dragons had flown free, who’d shown the first blood-mages and alchemists how to tame them.

The Machinery of Change called to something inside him, something that had always been there that he had never noticed, but now it was shown to him, he realised it had been there all along.

’Alchemist-Sivan jogged across the yard with far more grace than the real alchemist had ever shown and climbed one of the walls.

Perhaps they would have taken the third group in also had not a fourth group shown up an hour later, and the arrival of this group caused the second and the third groups to forget everything about a possible agreement with the first, and the second group was now the hardest of all, accusing the first of foul play.