“SPECK” на українській мові


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dot pinprick spot fleck speckle


” Emerie wiped at an invisible speck of dirt on the counter.

The partners had found that from this peak the greater part of the slopes of the whole mountain range could be seen very clearly, and when rain was about to come they could tell that a speck three or five miles away was a stray horse or a goat from the village.

There wasn’t so much as a speck of dust in sight, but no signs of life either.

Near the heart of the darkness where the Godspike punched through and streaked towards the stars, he spotted a dark speck in the sky.

But somehow, somehow a tiny speck of matter survived—just enough.

Spinesend is the greatest city I’ve seen, and from what my tutors have told me, it’s a speck compared to Carff or Mordenhold.

He didn’t want to look anywhere at all and would rather have kept his eyes firmly closed until she either threw him off or took him back, but if he was going to look at anything then he preferred the dark speck of the eyrie high above or the bright looming spire of the Godspike.

He tried using the binoculars to see even farther than that, and managed to recognize the speck in the distance that was the distribution center he had just called.

A speck in the sky far out to sea caught her eye.

Glasships suited her, but here and now she would have joined him, unsheltered from the enormity of everything, the timeless colossal sky overhead, the unfathomable endless depth of the storm-dark, the ancient immensity of the Godspike towering over everything, the constant rush of the wind, the sheer size of space and time all around her making her as small as a speck in the desert.

When they were a speck of black and purple over the rooftops, Rhys sweeping along the gilded river as if giving Elain a scenic tour, then and only then did Cassian enter the House.