“SUNK” на українській мові


інші переклади

immersed sunk drowned
drowned sunk waterlogged



undone washed-up done for ruined


become submerged be engulfed go down drop fall descend


The moon had sunk lower and the stars glowed brighter.

They looked underfed, loose skin draped over bone, but Rew knew that they held their weight and their muscle in their hips and their necks—hips to propel them in leaps to pounce on prey, their necks to rip and tear once they’d sunk their teeth into flesh.

The other sunk teeth into Raif’s arm.

Further pits were sunk into the floor.

The bath sat in the centre of a large round room, on the floor instead of sunk into it because no one had found a way to cut the enchanted eyrie stone.

He passed a pair of pillars sunk into the face of the cliff.

They’d waited only a short time, panting in silence on her bed, before she climbed over him, stroking him with her hand, then her mouth, and when he was ready, she’d sunk onto him, taking in each marvelous, thick inch.

It wove between the open mouths of half a dozen mine shafts, sunk into the sides of the mountain at odd intervals and random seeming locations.

Zeruvias stared out of the window, sunk into annoyance.

Bridget’s smile was fixed as her gaze sunk to the floor.

As they were cleaned, the blood and sweat that had sunk into them would be collected.