“SWAPPED” на українській мові


інші переклади

agree reach an agreement come to terms conclude an agreement swap
change vary exchange switch swap trade
change vary swap shift exchange switch



exchange trade barter interchange bargain switch change replace


”Nesta and Emerie swapped confused looks.

Once they were all back in their rack on the wall she swapped a few about and looked at them again and sighed.

She’d been just as sore as yesterday while working in the library, but thankfully Merrill hadn’t come to rip into her about the swapped book.

Gwyn mastered herself enough to say, “I don’t know how, but Merrill learned you swapped the book out.

Some djinn crept past your snoring watchman in the night and swapped my back for a pain-soaked plank of wood .

They swapped one final look, just as the males burst into laughter, and Nesta rose.

Cassian swapped glances with Feyre.

Promises of books to be swapped filled the air.

Nesta had already asked the House to prepare a bedroom for all three of them to share, and she’d entered the private library to find it transformed: by the window against the far wall, a worktable and chairs had been swapped for three cots, each laden with blankets and pillows.

Emerie and Gwyn swapped glances.

”Again, the three of them swapped glances.