“TEGMENTUM” на українській мові



In the brainstem, the medial longitudinal fasciculus is a well-defined white bundle, descending through the midbrain tegmentum , adjacent to the central gray matter.

A thin, transversely oriented ribbon of fibers, the medial lemniscus, ascends from the lower brainstem into the midbrain tegmentum where it occupies a ventrolateral position.

Ascending from the medulla and curving dorsolaterally into the tegmentum of the midbrain is the medial lemniscus, on its way to the thalamus.

The lateral and medial lemnisci are gathered together in a large bundle that passes around the dorsolateral surface of the superior cerebellar peduncle to reach the midbrain tegmentum .

The bulky superior cerebellar peduncles cross each other to form the decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncles, located within the midbrain tegmentum .