But all of a sudden the brightly colored tessera of Edward Burn-Jones's Christ in Glory came to swirling life, and the heat of spring turning into summer more dramatic than oppressive.
The tessera was recovered from the Ninfeo of Punta Epitaffio during the underwater excavation in the sea in front of Baia, which nowadays is a little town near Naples.
Mosaics can be made from any of a number of materials, from the traditional tessera and glass, to mundane materials such as stones and beads, to the unexpected bottle caps, nuts and bolts, and industrial cast-offs.
Every corn-receiver was therefore now provided with a tessera , and this tessera, when once granted to him, became his property.
History is selective, give us instead the whole mosaic, the tesserae , that we may judge if a period indeed has a pattern and is not merely a handful of coloured stones in the dust.