“THESE” на українській мові


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Naming all these elements was the first step toward objective study and discussion.

“We appreciate your help, Senior Ranger, and I hope you’ll learn what you need to about these narjags.

A few years later when the Roman Catholic church became interested in separating the Latin-American countries from Spain, because Spain had started to throw off the yoke of the Roman church, the independence of the Latin-American countries was won by the help of the same church that had only ten years before helped execute patriots who did what the church now wanted done, and the beheaded bodies of these rebel priests were buried in the main cathedral.

Alas, in these competitive times, one tends to look at the results before examining the means.

”“Well, that’s just the matter with these people, they have no conception of time and distance.

The latter possibility disturbed him; if every one of these creatures were a warrior, the Hundred Kingdoms were in great danger.

A pickpocket could not have been more excited to learn the contents of a pocketbook or a lady’s handbag than these men were while untying the bundles.

Dragons filling the sky, hundreds and thousands of them, the air thick with their cries, flying to war; men arrayed under the sun, light gleaming from silver so bright that it blinded; armies massed among spires so high that clouds snagged on their flawless white stone; the light of the moon shining down, hard and violent; and it burned and he clenched his fist and would not bow, not ever, not even to the god that had made him, not any more because now he knew what lay beneath and behind and beyond, and these things called gods were nothing but empty masks.

“My sister and I used to braid bracelets and put these little charms on them full of wishes for each other.

They were the sons and daughters of god, given dominion over these worlds, and they squandered their legacy.

‘It’s only because of these bloody pictures,’ I say, sinking further down into her squashy armchair.