“TRAGEDY” на українській мові


інші переклади

tragedy buskin cothurnus
трагічна ситуація



disaster calamity catastrophe cataclysm misfortune mishap blow trial tribulation affliction adversity


She wasn’t quiet, and she wasn’t gentle as she worked out eight years of guilt and shame from a tragedy that she still believed was of her making.

ROSE: Losing your skin is not the tragedy at the heart of the human condition.

Like a religious cult driven by their burning belief and fervor, the country would most likely become responsible for tragedy after tragedy.

Only the ones who could overcome such a tragedy could go forth to the promised land.

“The Investiture has been going on for two hundred years, and each cycle brings tragedy and devastation, but it’s the way of things.

Birds, just waking, trilled their happy songs, ignoring the tragedy playing out beneath them.

Dylan’s death is a tragedy.

But all those stories end in tragedy.

Baton supposed that they must have been short-staffed after the tragedy in Central Knot City.

The tragedy of extinction was switched into the glory of being the chosen ones.

PauseMIK: So Petra agreed with you, about the tragedy of the human condition, as you call it.