Likewise, the band's trippy neo-psychedelic arrangements and raging, minimalist rock were not earth shattering revelations, at least not for this seasoned Toronto audience.
The digital backgrounds are new to Sherman's work, and the more trippy and hallucinogenic they are, the more they draw attention away from the characterizations.
It's a zany, trippy excursion into the subconscious, highlighting the importance of love, strength and past passage, while casting a bleak shadow over abrupt decisions concerning matters that matter most.
Colors are limited to gritty, earth tones, as would be expected in a western (excepting a real trippy sequence following Jones's drugging).
Her brand of whispering-pines folk is not quite as easy to nail and has very often been tagged with the scarlet ‘psychedelic’ letter, a tag often thrown on anything even remotely trippy or, more often, difficult to write about.