“UNINVESTIGATED” на українській мові



Yet it remains clear that the practice of torture does hold some clues, as yet largely uninvestigated , to past attitudes towards the human body.

Second, the test results and complaints which initially appeared to involve no significant injustice turn out, upon investigation, to involve considerable maladministration, such as this one, going uninvestigated .

An Observer investigation in the United States has uncovered widespread allegations of electoral abuse, many of them going uninvestigated despite complaints of what would appear to be criminal attempts to manipulate voter lists.

Of course, foreknowledge by ‘important’ people probably ties in to the short-selling profits made as a result of the terrorism, short-selling which unbelievably remains uninvestigated .

I was dumbfounded that police shootings of citizens can simply go uninvestigated and without a determined call for justice.