“UNMISTAKABLE” на українській мові


інші переклади

unmistakable infallible faultless surefire unmistakeable without mistakes
obvious apparent evident manifest demonstrable unmistakable



distinctive distinct telltale indisputable indubitable undoubted unambiguous unequivocal plain clear clear-cut definite obvious unmissable evident self-evident manifest patent pronounced as plain as the nose on your face as clear as day


These peculiar and unmistakable noises had settled in their memory so firmly that for the rest of their lives they would never forget them; they would recognize these sounds anywhere and any time.

It was the unmistakable face of a father.

The salty air flooded his senses and sent tears streaming down his face as he breathed in the unmistakable stench of the world of the dead.

And now, watching that black niggah with the unmistakable Davis eyes stroll down the walkway toward an end cell, it looked like the day he’d been waiting for had finally arrived.

They watched each other, which was all very dull, and then in his cabin on his ship Chrias held out his arm and showed Tsen, carefully and deliberately this time, the unmistakable signs of the Hatchling Disease.

The unmistakable logo of two bony hands gently cradling a package.

The sled drifted on, blind and dumb, always in the same direction, day after day over the endless rise and fall of the dunes, a great red and yellow sea frozen stiff, until in the distance on the fourth day Tsen saw the smear on the horizon that was the storm-dark of the Godspike and the unmistakable flashes of lightning in the sky.

The smell in the air was unmistakable – Xizic.