“VALLEY” на українській мові


інші переклади

valley dale bottom land
підошва хвилі



dale vale hollow basin gully gorge ravine coulee trough canyon rift glen dell


The view outside looked as it always did: a peaceful steep-sided valley in the foothills of the Konsidar, its slopes partially terraced with groves of orange trees.

” asked Cinda, staring down into the valley.

He said: “Friends, amigos y ciudadanos, here are tres forasteros, three strangers, who have come from the valley wishing to sell their burros.

Through the gaps between firelight shone, giving the valley the appearance of a hellish gullet fronted by black teeth.

Here in the valley I’ve seen indications, lots of indications in fact, and tracing the rocks I found that they must have come from that ridge up there, washed down by the tropical torrents.

The Gulu Thek were, so far as he could see, one of the largest groups in the valley.

He and his chief advisors conferred hurriedly with each other, pointing at an incomplete palisade of petrified tree trunks guarding the camp valley.

This is not some remote valley that none of us have explored before.

We can’t go any higher, and avoiding this valley entirely would add four days to our journey.

In the distance a haze of blue smoke roofed over a valley.

The sides of the valley either side were steep and streaked with bare rock between thick verdant trees.