“WAVING” на українській мові


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fluctuation oscillation hesitation wobble wavering waving
waving wafting



wave wafture


brandish shake swish move to and fro move up and down wag sweep swing flourish wield flick flutter


In the center of the enormous knot of waving tentacles, a grotesque mass that looked like an amalgamation of every evolutionary step of every sea creature that had ever drawn breath.

It is like us waving a flag to a blind man or wafting a fresh baked roll beneath the nose of one who cannot smell.

I don’t know what’s gotten into her lately,” Mama said, waving her arms around.

It ignored the men crowding it, shouting at it and waving their arms, and gave Forfeth an experimental lick.

” Taryn growls, baring her teeth and waving her fists.

“You, over there,” he said, waving her into the corner with his gun.

“So buy him a present,” Feyre said, waving a hand, “and tell him we all send our love.

She was feeding herbs into it and then waving the smoke toward the two ailing nobles.

They’d tell him when they were ready, and Sivan waving Tsen’s black rod about made it obvious he needed him to do something that couldn’t be done by anyone else.

” she screamed on him, waving her hand in his face.

”“Here,” she answered, waving.