“WEEDS” на українській мові


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mourning weeds sables crape



widow's weeds sess dope grass locoweed skunk mary jane pot smoke gage


The midday autumn sun made the disrepair all the more stark: the thatched roof that had molded or balded in spots, the overgrown weeds already turning brown before the winter, rising up to the small windows in the stone walls.

His head cocked, sodden black hair sloshing with the movement, full of what seemed to be bog weeds.

Alone, in my own bungalow, with weeds to pull and young faces on the wall.

She looked out over the airbase: the empty hangars and the silent stretch of the runway, the encroaching weeds spotting it all with green.

If you let it run wild it strangles itself: haven’t you ever noticed how weeds overpower flowers?

The fish dove, dragging their passengers into the weeds.

The ruins were overgrown with weeds and grass and briars now, but underneath them the stones remained black with soot and the air carried a tang of ash.

The garden gate is unlocked, and she has her back to it as she weeds the borders to her gravel path, kneeling upon the mat I bought her last Christmas.