“WHENEVER” на українській мові


інші переклади

коли б не
lest whenever whensoever
як тільки
as soon as once when whenever whensoever
whenever whensoever
коли ж
whenever whensoever


Whenever she felt as though she would break down, she only had to think of the duke and of the castles in Spain, and back came all her strength.

Whenever he stopped to get his frying-pan from the pack and wash a few shovelfuls of dirt in a brook, the boys would know that he had made a discovery.

Whenever they caught one whose shoes were not pcrfectly polished, they were after him until, to get rid of them, he gave in and had his shoes polished once more.

Whenever John had escaped the jaws of death, that smile was always there to greet him.

Whenever I get a glimpse of her, early in the morning, she puts a finger to her lips and tiptoes off to another room.

Whenever it could be done, they avoided villages, traveling, wherever possible, isolated trails.

Whenever you’re ready, T’Varr.

Whenever they saw this sort of sand, they were sure that it must be the right stuff or at least something that was heavily charged with gold.

Whenever he was surrounded by it there was only ever one thing on his mind.

Whenever he came out with a useful idea, Dobbs and Curtin would ask themselves earnestly what they would have done in this wilderness without him.

Whenever Noiesni met adults of the opposite gender, a long recitation of kinship structure was mandatory.