“WOAD” на українській мові


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pastel woad


Caesar claimed far more widespread use of the blue dye woad , but this was used over the whole body and not for painting or tattooing patterns.

Industrial crops such as flax and dye-plants (madder, woad , and weld), and other cash crops such as coleseed, hops, and tobacco, increased revenue per hectare, enabling more people to live from the earnings of smaller plots.

Blues used in tartan cloth originally came from the native plant woad , which was also used as a form of ceremonial face and body paint by ancient Scots.

Tirien knew that the woad plant could give a blue dye, but she didn't know it could be utilized for other purposes.

Woad robs the soil of nutrients, forcing medieval woad growers in Europe to move frequently in search of uncultivated land.