“HEAVY” на польській мові



The cold air heavy in her lungs.

He came in slow, aimed carefully, but they were too heavy.

The same heavy sky, the same cold breeze even in summer, gusting, her skin always goose-bumped.

Rhoda took a nap on the other bed, asleep quickly, her breathing rough and heavy in the small room.

The cold worked its way in, despite his walking, so he jogged for a while in his boots, heavy clumps.

She grabbed a flat of chili, heavy he knew, and took a step toward shore then slipped and went down.

He moved the fish only a few inches, lining up the head for a heavy set of blades.

The tent still blown by wind, whipping and lurching, but no longer the heavy sound of the rain.

So I heard something behind me, heavy splashing, and I turn to see this huge brown bear.

The others ignored him and swam out a few hundred feet, remarking on the beauty of the heavy rain, the constant wind, and the mountain towering invisibly above them.

Sleep a heavy casing that could never quite close, pain wedged in along the edge.