“LIE” на російській мові




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He wanted her to lie down on top of him, to hold him down.

She left Gary to carve out the window, a void in the wall that would become their only view, something that seemed an obvious symbol of the narrowing of their lives, and returned to the tent to lie down.

She had to get up, couldn’t just lie here.

I need to lie down, Irene said.

I need to lie down.

What she wished was that he would just lie down beside her.

She wanted to lie down again.

Why don’t you lie down again, Mom?

The tough get going lecture, or the I need help lecture, or, worse, the big lie about this cabin being for both of us lecture.

And he wondered why she would lie to him now, why she would pretend.

You can finish these, she said, and walked to the tent to lie down, her head spinning.