“PRODUCED” на польській мові


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produced fabricated



manufacture make construct build fabricate put together assemble turn out create mass-produce churn out


The tangles of thorns were a mockery of what might have been—as if Oorid had ever produced roses.

Marcel prayed harder as the older monk produced a dagger and slit his throat.

All the mines in the country which produced any kind of mineral had been found and opened by men who originally went out to look for gold.

It was an algae that fed on photosynthesis, and much like the algae of modern times, produced enormous quantities of oxygen.

I hate that you produced an entire album about our road trip.

Nicky patted his hand until he disengaged, then reached under one of the pillows and produced a folded white sheet.

The Indian opened his bast bag and produced half a dozen dry tortillas, which he in brotherly fashion divided with the Americans for breakfast.

How much noise it produced in her head.

’The blonde reached into her suit pocket and produced a cream-coloured business card.

”The reason for this change of attitude was not the decision to break camp; that in itself could not have produced such a change of mind.

Helion’s most beloved pair—this black stallion, Meallan, and his mate—hadn’t produced offspring in three hundred years, and that last foal hadn’t made it out of weaning before he’d succumbed to an illness no healer could remedy.