“AMUSED” на російській мові


інші переклади

satisfied pleased happy content contented amused



diverted entertained


entertain make laugh delight divert cheer (up) please charm tickle tickle pink crack up


From the icy, amused gleam in Cassian’s eye, she thought yes.

’‘Wrong way round,’ he says, amused at me.

Perhaps their ships would have come to our shores as we go to theirs, taking what amused them.

As they drove along, silent in the early morning, it occurred to Rose that this was a car worthy of Mary Poppins, and it amused her to think of Petra, so capable, so practically perfect in every way, in that role.

“It amused me the first time, I grow bored of it now.

”“I am sure you will provide it,” said Brask, amused.

Zafir was right there, head cocked, an amused smirk on her face.

She was several years older, and I’d never done anything to provoke her hatred, but I think …”“She was jealous of your beauty,” Amren said, an amused smile on her red lips.

”Nesta tried not to gape at the cool, amused voice that had come out of Cassian.

She rattled the names off, and provided neat little descriptions that amused him, including exact details such as a favourite film or a predilection for olives.

” the spellcaster asked, amused.