“HONESTY” на російській мові


інші переклади

honesty integrity fairness probity honor uprightness
truthfulness truth veracity honesty verity trueness
lunik honesty



integrity uprightness honorableness honor morality morals ethics principles high principles righteousness right-mindedness virtue goodness probity high-mindedness fairness incorruptibility truthfulness trustworthiness reliability dependability rectitude


What were decency and honesty after all?

’ She was matter-of-fact, always serious with him, giving lots of eye contact in a way that seemed to him to be a plea for honesty on his part.

The same honesty that now assessed her, marking every roaring, sharp piece of her.

Filden opted for honesty.

And I’m trying to get over a break-up, so it’s not like I’m in the proper place for this…’So they’ve moved on to the strangely formal honesty that comes before the argument that leads to the sex.

Only stark, pained honesty shone in her remarkable eyes.

But there was an honesty there—a realness.

But who could guarantee the honesty of the petty officials, of the chief of police in the nearest town, of the little mayor of the nearest village, of the general of the nearest military post?

But while no one knew anything about dona Maria, everyone in New Spain knew that the riches of dona Maria had not disappeared, but were safely in the possession of one supposed to know better what to do with them than a foolish woman who thought that nobility stands for honesty.

Because of your rider-slave’s honesty.

Lost my family in an accident,” he said, not really knowing what family he meant, in all honesty.