“PRACTICALLY” на російській мові


інші переклади

practically in the concrete
almost nearly about near most practically
actually in fact virtually de facto practically in effect
на практике
in practice practically
на деле
in practice practically de facto



almost (very) nearly virtually just about all but more or less as good as to all intents and purposes verging on bordering on pretty near pretty well well-nigh


Higgs was practically drunk on that vision.

”Her eyes practically glowed in the dimness.

As they drove along, silent in the early morning, it occurred to Rose that this was a car worthy of Mary Poppins, and it amused her to think of Petra, so capable, so practically perfect in every way, in that role.

The transport would have been practically impossible without an armed convoy.

He’d practically run out of the room to avoid her.

The owner, a Spaniard, was practically never seen; he left all work and the care of his business to his employees.

Emerie hit the bridge first, the rickety contraption bouncing with her weight as she practically flew across it.

Eliturion was practically family to her.

Locking them each night was practically a ritual.

It should be added that the Ave Marias were practically the only prayers the chief and his family knew how to say.

Moonlight practically the whole night.