“ROPES” на російській мові


інші переклади

tackle gear rigging rope ropes cordage



cord cable line hawser string lasso lariat


tie bind lash truss secure moor fasten attach hitch tether lasso


Only with the help of long ropes would it have been possible for a man to come down from the top to the trench, and in a fight he would never set foot in the trench alive.

Leading them by ropes did not help much.

Men with ropes and chains were always watching, waiting for an egg to hatch.

To witness the length of these living ropes reaching for the distant light, their flat, bladed leaves moving in the gentle ocean current was to appreciate them in a totally different way.

Inside,” Anne insisted, a hand raised tentatively toward the rough bandage Rew had made with his shirt and the ropes.

Their feet were tied too, with ropes loose enough for walking but too short to run.

Nesta brought the blade down upon the bridge’s ropes.

They grasped the ropes and held on to the saddles to keep the burros from moving on.

The head was obscured by cloud and the hands were gripping multiple ropes that were connected to the ground.

Using his bloody longsword, he sawed through the ropes that were tied around her limbs, mumbling assurances to her that she didn’t seem to hear.

Howard and Dobbs finally turned round and looked at the path, and there, in the deep shadows of the falling night, uncertainly lighted up by the flickering camp-fire, the stranger stood, at either side of him a mule which he held by ropes.