“STEADICAM” на російській мові



Cinematographer Tilman Büttner had to carry a specially modified Steadicam capable of recording up to 100 minutes of high-definition video on to a hard disk.

A combination of beautiful, sun-drenched, exterior photography and a omnipresent, floating Steadicam give the film a dreamy lazy feeling that continuously reinforces Cordier's state of mind.

Yes, we'd all like to shoot on 16 mm, or work with dollies and tracks and Steadicams , but even if we can, that doesn't mean we must.

Again shot digitally, each version encompasses the action with a roaming Steadicam in one single take.

For the first time Clarke used the Steadicam to shoot the characters in long, continuous takes to give the impression of ceaseless motion and neurotic energy, a technique he used extensively in later films.