“TREBLY” на російській мові



Chris' lack of top thatching is trebly compensated for by his vast Boer beard, which flows and flows, like the Victoria falls, to almost meet a belly of, well, prodigious proportions.

Although the soundtrack has been remastered in Dolby Digital 5.1, it retains the shallow, trebly quality of what once was presumably a vanilla stereo source track.

Granted, they don't shy away from monotone, Teutonic vocals or cold, trebly analogue synth riffs, but their sound is equally rooted in punk influences.

And if that holds for Europeans, it holds trebly for the countries of the Middle East itself, Israel excepted.

As the last words of the song fade, the swell of organs segues into a trebly acoustic guitar and hi-hat section highly reminiscent of early Modest Mouse.