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” Eliturion pointed to the necklace of green glass beads around the duke’s neck.
Half the modalmen wore human skulls polished and threaded like beads onto thongs, or other ghoulish remains.
Mai’Choiro Kwen, whom I have met, is a reprehensible insect who probably thinks he can buy you with some pretty beads just as he thinks he can kill me with wine that has turned a little.
There was a bowl full of Morfaan silver beads on his desk next to the apples.
Between the urns was a bowl full of identical white glass beads.
A greater division existed than paint and beads.
A few ceramic beads remained threaded onto the braiding.
A modalman richly clad in a cape of golden beads walked to the centre of the arena and shouted something, and the crowd yelled even louder.
He shifted his stick to his withered hand, and used his right to reach for the beads.