“BETHEL” на українській мові


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The Seamen's Bethel is a chapel in New Bedford, Massachusetts, located at 15 Johnny Cake Hill.

The Seamen's Home Bethel is in the Heart of Copenhagen by Nyhavn's canal, and only 5min walk from Kongens Nytorv og Strøget (the pedestrian street).

What you criticize about the Moslems, sir, is no different than what happens in thousands of little bethels across the USA, as the fundamentalist start feeling their oats, what with their grand mufti in the White House.

One cannot but fear that Sir Edmund Beckett, who can hardly bring himself to speak of a Nonconformist minister otherwise than as "Stiggins," or of a Nonconformist chapel otherwise than as "little Bethel ," is a type of many laymen, who pique themselves on being particularly sound Churchmen, and who, in their open-handed liberality, as regards money, in support of the Church, are worthy of all honor.

The Baptists, Episcopalians, Methodists, and Presbyterians have each a seamen's Bethel ,