“CEVICHE” на українській мові



Choices run the range from racy menudo to lime-washed shrimp ceviche ; make room for terrific soft corn-tortilla tacos al carbon sandwiching tasty and tender meats.

a sensational ceviche with tomato and coriander

There are four items that are ‘of the day’: ceviche , escovitch (a Jamaican whole fish in a tart, spicy sauce), bouillabaisse, and soup.

As the dining public tries out new types of cuisine, whether it is Brazilian churrasco or Peruvian ceviche , they're likely to forego the usual Martini and inquire about traditional South American beverages.

We chose the fried calamari and an order of cabo, an eggplant dish, from an interesting list that included bruschetta, quesadillas, ceviche and steamed mussels.