“COWERED” на українській мові


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shrink crimple crinkle cower
blink peep cower



cringe shrink crouch recoil flinch pull back draw back tremble shake quake blench quail grovel


” said Toberan, pointing to Godelwind, who cowered in the corner.

Seutreneause cowered backwards, hands held beseechingly in front of his heart.

He cowered behind his shield as another barrage of lightning flew at him.

She cringed, willed the gold-glass in her hand into a bubble and cowered inside it.

Chay-Liang cringed and cowered as another flash of lightning exploded over the roar of the wind, as another black-powder cannon was blown to pieces.

” He cowered.

No one looked at her except the four men in their cages beside her: Mad Quai’Shu, who sat almost naked in his own filth; Mai’Choiro Kwen, who cowered in a corner as far away from her as he could get; Shonda of Vespinarr, formerly the mightiest man in the world, now held in a cage by the Elemental Men for everyone to see before he was hanged.

I summoned the hounds and the world cowered at their baying.

Bellepheros cowered under Diamond Eye, sheltering from the wind and the fight and the bursts of lightning.