“FATE” на українській мові


інші переклади

fate destiny lot fortune portion part
lot fate
death destruction doom ruin perdition fate
luck fate destiny fortune allotment success
fate destiny weird



destiny providence the stars chance luck serendipity fortune kismet karma


be predestined be preordained be destined be meant be doomed be sure be certain be bound be guaranteed


Five times he thought he had it, and came close to opening the door, only to see the ships he viewed were not those of his time and place, but belonged to other streams of fate.

They faced their fate with the conviction that it was their destiny and that it was no use to fight.

The Brass God only reveals himself to those that are worthy, but fate has put you here.

Not with her, she knew, but with fate.

What role Vallahan’s hot-tempered king and proud people would play in this new world of theirs was yet to be decided, though much of its fate seemed to depend upon Mor’s now-frequent presence at their court as Rhys’s emissary.

I encouraged them to leave you to your fate.

The dragons are mine and I will go to my fate for what they have done.

Freed for a moment from the Drowned King’s bondage, they saw the fate awaiting them, and they screamed as Aarin cut them from the Earth’s tale.

“Eliturion dealt with all that nonsense, but fate does so love a good story.

“Wizards reading my fate from material written in my flesh?

From Northern California author Kerry Lonsdale comes a heart-wrenching story about fate sweeping away life in an instant.