“FUCKED” на українській мові


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copulate fuck couple screw



bed lie with get laid have it off sleep with hump love jazz sleep together bonk bang have sex make out eff know screw be intimate make love do it have intercourse


“Fucked if I do, fucked if I don’t, right?

That he’d embarrassed himself, that he’d left her unsatisfied, and if it was the only taste of her he’d ever get, he’d monumentally fucked it all to hell.

’ ‘She’s just another dumbass Higgs fucked over.

“I don’t know what the fuck they’re doing here, or if Eris has royally fucked us over, but one of them shot an ash arrow through Az’s wing.

“I loved it when you fucked my mouth, Cassian.

Shit got all fucked up in the kitchen.

“Now do you believe me when I say they should not be fucked with?

It had fucked Baby Brother up to hear Malik begging that white mothafuckah like that.

Cassian fucked her mouth, and her moaning had him deciding he’d fuck the rest of her, too.

He’d done that by the lake: after he’d fucked her with his fingers, he’d held her gaze while he rubbed them together, testing the slide of her wetness against his skin the same way he was touching that ribbon.

Perhaps some other warrior fucked and killed her.