“KNIFE” на українській мові


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dagger knife dirk poniard snickersnee stiletto
scalpel knife
knife chive chopper spade



cutting tool blade cutter


stab hack gash run through slash lacerate cut pierce jab stick spike impale transfix bayonet spear


He saw himself staring at a knife, the other knife with a golden haft carved into a thousand eyes and a pale swirling blade.

What of the knife?

The last narjag charged him, and he casually brushed aside its spear and whipped his hunting knife forward, burying it in the Dark Kind’s chest.

She didn’t run but walked, as the Crowntaker did, to the side of her dragon, expecting death at any second – lightning or the bolt from a cross-bow or a hidden knife.

He played through every moment since the dragon had come back from Dhar Thosis and Zafir had slid off its back and stood before him, battered and bruised, bloodied and full of swagger, and had dropped the bladeless knife of the Elemental Man at his feet.

Before the daggers struck their targets, Rew snatched his longsword from the sheath on his back and his hunting knife from his belt.

The inside was lined with velvet, deep red like fresh blood, and on the velvet lay a knife with a golden haft carved into a thousand eyes.

Yesterday he’d killed Saffran’s brother Vallas and taken that knife.

Then, he pivoted, using his hunting knife to catch and deflect a blow from a second one of the creatures.

”Rew gestured for the blonde to take his hunting knife to free her companion.

A spare belt knife.