“LEAKED” на українській мові


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dripped leaked



seep (out) escape ooze (out) secrete bleed emanate issue drip dribble drain discharge exude


Tears leaked from their eyes, and they had to shout to keep their words from being blown away by the gusts.

Even though it was spilling out of his own body, the blood that leaked out was warmer than his own body heat.

Tears leaked out.

But Nesta nodded, falling into step beside him, savoring his calluses against her own, the rub of the thread that kept his Siphon in place atop his hand, the warmth that leaked from him.

He sighed in relief as the pressure faded from his skin and the weariness leaked from his bones.

But we made sure that fact never leaked out of Bridges.

Dawn eventually leaked through the lattice of branches, and the screams and howling faded, then vanished.

Long canvas hoses ran from it, splitting at valves that leaked fine mists of pressurised water.

Yeah, that was a great camping trip, even if we didn’t go further than a mile from his house and the tent leaked.

Beer leaked from the corners of her mouth.

Night-flecked power leaked from his High Lord, trying to heal Feyre, just as Madja’s was, but the blood kept pouring out, faster than any power could stifle.