“LONELY” на українській мові


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unsociable recluse lonely remote retired obscure
lonely alone solitary sole



isolated alone lonesome friendless with no one to turn to forsaken abandoned rejected unloved unwanted outcast gloomy sad depressed desolate forlorn cheerless down blue


And I wonder, if you search your mind very carefully, if you won’t find that you had similar ideas on this lonely march.

She reads Taryn’s text first and feels a hint of relief and a smidge less lonely.

I’m feeling sort of lonely leaving you behind.

It made Deadman feel lonely.

And it must have been so lonely to found a country like that.

Being day and night on lonely trails without ever meeting a human soul—that gets on your mind, brother.

”Raif kept on, discussing the lonely lives of the miners, not seeing through the jest that the rangers and Anne had chosen a similar life.

She was lonely and afraid, so she would start to wander around, looking for someone, anyone.

That’s not the kind of lonely life most would enjoy.

Woe, I am so lonely.

A lonely woman sat upon a bed in a strange room lit by lamps that were not fire but were not glimmer.