“OREGON” на українській мові



I do generally think that on many (though not all) issues Oregonians should be deciding what's allowed in Oregon and Tennesseans should be deciding what's allowed in Tennessee.

Occupying a space somewhere between Bootsie Collins and Captain Beegiart, The Jazz Solos… embrace Le Dome's rural Oregonian roots with karmic highs and rasta-man overtures.

The Corsair softly chuckles by venetian blinds, sipping an Oregonian wine, a three quarter profile showing in silhouette.

On February 3, Oregonians voted 59-to-41 percent to repeal the tax increases, forcing the state to cut another half-billion dollars of public spending.

At the outset, Oregonians trade salmon, lumber and apples to Californians for their avocados, lettuce and wine.