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палімпсест |
Structure, services, surveyor's marks, and post-construction graffiti are overlaid as the most recent inscriptions on the palimpsest of the building.
An anonymous private collector who bought the palimpsest for $2 million at auction in 1998 has loaned the manuscript to the Walters Art Museum and is funding the studies.
London is a palimpsest : a parchment that has been over-written, time and again, by successive events in its chequered history.
In 1906 the Danish philologist Johan Ludvig Heiberg discovered the palimpsest in a monastery in Istanbul and correctly identified the prayer-enshrouded text as the lost Method of Archimedes.
What the project has found is that there never was a unitary pagan past; instead there is a palimpsest of myths and legends, places and landscapes, changing and continuing.