“PURSUIT” на українській мові


інші переклади

implementation performance execution pursuance realization pursuit
pursuit chasing
demand exaction request requirement pursuit
occupation lesson pursuit work study school
pursuit chasing
persecution pursuit chase chasing drive trail
pursuit chase pursuers chasing race chevy
search searching pursuit scouting raid



striving toward quest after/for search for aim goal objective dream


Whether it was the pursuit of greater power through marriage which gave nobility their purpose and name, or whether it was as crass as selectively breeding livestock, very much depended on who was doing the explaining.

In pursuit of the fleeing animals, the dragon didn’t see Forfeth and caught him a glancing blow so hard he flew with a scream through the air.

“Listen, I have to go, but I will be back, I have come a long way in pursuit of you; if I can, I will get you out.

The wolf had followed and then left off pursuit.

The hatchlings shrieked and dived in furious pursuit.

The pursuit of the bandits cannot be followed up by the public in general, for they know only what they read in the papers, and what is printed may be true or it may not.

I aim to attach myself to the winner, you know that about me, and I’d guess the princes do as well, but what if these fools destroy the kingdom in their pursuit to rule it?

Propelled from a comfortable life in the Isles of Karsa by a chain of events he could scarcely credit any more, Rel found himself travelling in the company of giants, the modalmen of legend, in pursuit of a rail gang enslaved by others of the giants’ kind.

Since the country after a while turned very sandy and tracks of other horses crossed the trail, the pursuit had to be given up.

President Bridget Strand and her daughter, Samantha America Strand, sacrificed everything in their pursuit of hope—that we, the people, might be whole again.

Rew hoped it was that way, that the impending devastation the nobles wrought in pursuit of the throne and the power that flowed from it would only strike their own.