“SATISFYING” на українській мові


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solid substantial square hearty


fulfill gratify meet fill indulge cater to pander to appease assuage quench slake satiate sate take the edge off


But demonstrating that he’d gotten under her skin would be too satisfying for him.

She threw another punch, eliciting a satisfying thunk from the wood.

Everything We Keep drew me in from the first page and held me fast all the way to its deeply satisfying ending.

And it’s rather satisfying to watch someone kill, especially with tools you’ve provided for them.

Rel gulped it down, for the water intensified his thirst rather than satisfying it.

But fuck—when had he last had a satisfying roll in the sheets?

”—Kaira Rouda, USA Today bestselling author of Best Day Ever“Everything We Give is a satisfying conclusion to this series, which began with a funeral when there should have been a wedding and ends with the final fallout from the mysterious woman who warned the almost-widow that all was not as it seemed.

“Doing this with my bare hands will be so much more satisfying.

With Lonsdale’s signature twists and turns, nothing is a given until the last, satisfying page.