“SAY-SO” на українській мові


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father figure pope say-so



authorization (seal of) approval agreement consent assent permission endorsement sanction ratification approbation acquiescence blessing leave OK go-ahead green light thumbs up rubber stamp


This process is similar to constructing a proof in geometry: the author knows the conclusion before writing the proof, but in the proof, the conclusion follows from the logic and not just the say-so of the author.

All of this, of course, is contingent upon your say-so .

Virginia cares a great deal about matching the visual and textual elements - she has let me have a say-so in the selection of all artists and art for our books.

There can be few other industries in the land whose billions are so dependent on the say-so of such an esoteric and anonymous few.

Private individuals have the right to film their own property, and these tapes cannot be passed on without the say-so of the courts.