“SENSATION” на українській мові


інші переклади

feeling sensation feel perception
sense feeling sentiment emotion sensation heart
sensation startler
apprehension sensation embranchment catalepsy



feeling sense awareness consciousness perception impression


In his mind Curtin had the sensation that he was dreaming.

The sensation was a familiar comfort and yet always new.

Red coated the rope, but she clamped her torn hands tighter and breathed through the ripping, tearing sensation.

The world vanished; again she had the sensation of falling while standing still, and then—Sun and grass and a crisp autumn breeze.

As he stood quietly for a moment, he thought he felt somebody behind him, so close that he had the sensation of breath on his neck.

The feeling of being cold had already disappeared and now the only sensation running through Sam’s body was pain.

Higgs had the same sensation long ago when he first disposed of a corpse in this way.

Later, at Petra’s house, Rose took a hot shower and the sensation was of her lassitude being washed from her, puddling around her feet and circling the plughole.

The Harp hummed against her skin, as if it still held its final note, from the last time it had been used—Fae screamed, pounding on stone that hadn’t been there a moment before, pleading for their children’s sakes, begging to be let out let out let out—Nesta had the sensation of falling, tumbling through air and stars and time—It was a trap, and our people were too blind to see it—Eons and stars and darkness plunged around her—The Fae clawed at stone, tearing their nails on rock where there had once been a door.

A sinking, eerie sensation churns in her stomach.

The sensation of being led to the heights of a mountaintop, only to be hurled over the edge before setting eyes on the glory.