At Cedar House you get not only the farm's own just-roasted coffee but an array of delicious tropical fruits like apple bananas, starfruit , and cherimoyas - all grown on the farm or very nearby.
For those on a fruit diet, kiwi, rambutan, lichi, avocado, starfruit , durian, melon, pear, apple and orange, duku, Indian mangoes and jackfruit crowd the pavements of Serangoon Road and the side roads of little India.
They make the best jams with the bananas, the papaya and the starfruit .
If you don't know what a starfruit or zirzat is, this is your chance to delight your taste buds.
We made dinner, which consisted of sausages, salad and fresh fruit basted lightly with maple syrup that we grilled; it turned out very nice, even the starfruit .