“STASHED” на українській мові


інші переклади

stop discontinue cease end nip stash
hide bury conceal tuck cover stash



store stow pack load cache hide conceal secrete hoard save stockpile salt away squirrel away


It was the vintage clothing in her suitcase and Judy’s bucket list, and every other list stashed in her sister’s hatbox.

” He stashed the notebook in the back of a filing cabinet drawer in his office.

She’ll sneak it into Judy’s hatbox later, where she’s stashed other articles and magazine clippings, along with the Polaroids of her and Dylan.

”He dug his hand into his front pocket for the Dunlop he’d stashed there before lunch.

While the room was filled with state-of-the-art machinery, there was also broken medical equipment and hospital beds stashed in the corners.

” Though Dylan had purchased a sticker and stuck it on the face of a spiral-bound blue notebook stashed in his duffel.

They’d hidden and stashed and forgotten about so many of them that there was always a good chance of sitting on a couch and being poked in the ass by something.

But what she wouldn’t give to slip into the cutoff jean shorts and T-shirt she had stashed in the trunk.