“TECTUM” на українській мові



Each trochlear nerve makes its exit through the caudal tectum (the dorsal portion of the midbrain), immediately lateral to the frenulum of the superior medullary velum.

Although medial and lateral gaze palsies are typical, patients usually retain upper eyelid control and vertical eye movement because of sparing of the mid-brain tectum , which allows communication.

Recently, we presented evidence for an involvement of histamine in the generation and organization of such defensive reactions in the midbrain tectum .

In fish, the optic tecta and cerebellum, which can be thought of as the functional equivalent of the optic lobes, occupy approximately one-half of total brain volume.

However, expression appeared to be greater in the cerebellum, ectostriatum, paleostriatum, and layers of the optic tectum , suggesting regional differences in regulation.