Immediately afterwards comes the news that the king has created Macbeth thane of Cawdor.
On Christopher Oram's darkly minimal set, Russell Beale's thane is similarly subtle - not the world's most obvious warrior, certainly, but one who has a quiet, coiled energy.
He is more thane than prince, for his position here has always been that of able warlord.
It was widely believed by the common people that before 1066 the Anglo-Saxon inhabitants of this country had lived as free and equal citizens, giving allegiance to kings, earls, and thanes democratically and conditionally.
The Klar, a thanedom of hill dwarves, were subjugated by the Hylar following the Dwarfgate War, and many now act as servants to the Hylar, though they have their own underground city on the banks of the Urkhan Sea.