“THE” на українській мові


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The scent of a narjag or an ayre was certainly foul enough, but it went beyond that.

The ropes around him simply ceased to be and the pole over his head was gone too.

The thieves slipping in?

The words he had been about to utter never had a chance to reach Amelie’s ears.

The early scourge hurts just as much, but is over all the quicker, as they say.

The bond between them was complete, they moved as one, master and beast.

The killers bowed in unison and led her back to the rustle of water and downstream through the darkness of the Queverra’s depths, lit up by specks of cold white moonlight scattered like stars across the chasm walls.

The dead had worked to preserve this artillery from decay, encasing the barrels in tight, waterproof skins of leather.

The Black Moon reborn and rising from the southern sky to blot out the sun and smother the world in another age of ice and darkness.

The hatchling had given itself away.

The event?