“UNUSUALLY” на українській мові




remarkably unco outstandingly


Hissenwar redeemed himself by being an unusually talented magister.

they are unusually perturbed, lady.

After an unusually quiet dinner, Cassian had flown back up to the House.

The security settings for these records were unusually strict.

Lou was unusually afraid of these particular assailants.

He wondered if the unusually bad dizziness he experienced when he used the Q-pid, and the service interruptions, were down to the spikes as well.

Cassian reported that even Rhys had been rattled by it, seeming unusually contemplative afterward.

The word floated from the depths of Nesta’s memory, voiced by a watery-eyed music tutor who’d quickly declared Nesta hopeless at singing or playing, but in possession of an unusually fine ear.

The outlines of the mountain ridges towering in the distance were unusually clear.