“VENGEANCE” на українській мові


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revenge vengeance



revenge retribution retaliation payback requital reprisal satisfaction an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)


Perhaps Fragile’s vengeance hadn’t been aimed at Higgs.

He’d been so consumed with exacting wrath that he had allowed rage to rule him and put the lives of his brothers in the path of vengeance.

Sari’s death was eating at his bones and he’d sworn the worst kind of vengeance on her killer.

He wondered whether she’d planned it that way all along or whether it had been merely personal vengeance on Chrias.

Now, he’s their reason to fight for vengeance.

His friend was gone, and no amount of vengeance would bring him back.

The ghosts sensed his indecision, and howled the louder, until his own desire for vengeance and a need to fulfil his oaths pushed him back toward his body.

I have watched and I have made them pay for their hubris, dear and long and in pain and blood and fire and plague, in glories of vengeance and flames.

But the same men will rage like savages for vengeance if only twenty persons have been willfully murdered by bandits for purely material reasons.

Tony’s loss had caused their loss, and their vengeance would be shared.

And if the bargain was broken … the magic could exact terrible vengeance.