“VEXED” на українській мові


інші переклади

irritated annoyed angry disgruntled edgy vexed
controversial debatable contentious disputable moot vexed
alarmed disturbed uptight vexed anxious upset



annoyed irritated cross angry infuriated exasperated irked piqued nettled displeased put out disgruntled aggravated peeved miffed riled hacked off hot under the collar teed off ticked off sore bent out of shape PO'd wroth


annoy irritate anger infuriate exasperate irk gall pique put out antagonize nettle get on someone's nerves ruffle someone's feathers rattle someone's cage make someone's hackles rise rub the wrong way aggravate peeve miff rile needle get (to) bug get someone's goat get someone's back up get someone's dander up tee off tick off burn up rankle


The management of irony and sincerity - their proper apportioning, their containment and release - is the vexed issue of this novel, as of so many contemporary works.

All these issues meet in the vexed question of governance.

These legal issues lead into politico-legal questions such as the vexed issue of compliance: there are clearly serious difficulties involved in making states live up to their legal obligations.

Public loos have been a vexed issue in the town for some time and council has been grappling with plans to build new public toilets in the caravan park, but that's hit a snag.

A fairly large crowd had gathered, including even Peter, who looked both vexed and worried at the same time.