інші переклади
перевіряти просвічуванням |
світна авіабомба |
candle bomb
свічка |
газовий пальник |
димова свічка |
The table is set and taper candles lit but burned almost to the quick.
The temple was already being bedecked with flowers of every variety, enchanted against wilting, as well as silks and lace and candles and garlands—all of it paid for by Rhys, who could not stop buying her presents.
A cake taller than Cassian stood in the center of the room, lit with a thousand candles.
Those who could afford candles had lit them, and those who could not still had fires on their hearths and were finishing their suppers before tucking into their beds.
Since the candles had been specially blessed in the cathedral, they were far more expensive than ordinary candles, and whenever a new one was lighted, a hundred extra Ave Marias had to be said.
On the mantelpiece, above an unlit wood burner, there are matching candlesticks holding white tapering candles.
Where the blade touched the sodden flesh of drowned men, it shrivelled to black mud, and the feeble candles of dead souls were snuffed out.
Perhaps he had made mistakes with the candles on the last stretch of his pilgrimage.
Only the firelit dimness, the candles leading her to the lowest levels of the library.